Penetration Testing Services

Remove the hypotheticals and show real-world results to understand your vulnerabilities, threats, & gaps and prioritize security investments.

Penetration Testing That Provides Actionable Insights

Our penetration testing services remove the hypothetical from your security conversation. Rather than the usual “An attacker could do this” or “This might be vulnerable” phrases common to most assessments, our penetration testing shows real-world results.

Our highly-certified team uses controlled exploitation, detailed evidence, and concise reporting to give meaningful insights to prioritize tactical remediation and plan strategic investments. We provide tangible evidence to help you achieve these common objectives:

  • “I want to see if we’re actually vulnerable.”
  • “I think we’re vulnerable but no one cares.”
  • “I think our defenses are working but want to be more certain.”
  • “I need help justifying this policy/procedure/tool/service.”

The Threats You Face Are Sophisticated. Your Penetration Testing Should Be Too.

Our highly experienced teams utilize a robust assessment methodology, leveraging hands-on expertise to identify even complex, multi-step vulnerabilities.

During traditional pentesting, we only use automated tools to augment our consultants and ensure that we identify as much as possible in the allotted time, budget, and scope. Like everything we do, we understand that there is no point unless we’re helping the defender get better. We call this our “defender first” mentality and it’s the guiding principle of our penetration testing.

Targeted Assessment

Whether it’s internal or external networks, applications, cloud, security awareness, or facilities, our cross-functional teams are poised to focus on your top priorities with the right combination of expertise.

We tailor our approach, focus, and priorities to ensure our penetration testing meets your objectives by exploring your unique threats. We use a methodical approach to separate each focus area for ease of prioritization and remediation. This service is designed to test specific systems that you designate.

Leverage the Power of Automated Penetration Testing

Our Penetration Testing as a Service platform leverages machine learning and AI to focus on continuous controls validation. The automation provides rapid testing to continuously identify and exploit vulnerabilities and can be paired with an expert penetration tester to audit and validate the results. With this offering, you gain:

  • Consistent results delivered by a single platform
  • Real-time remediation guidance
  • Automated and customizable reporting – accessible anytime from anywhere

Cloud Penetration Test

Our Cloud Penetration test focuses on current and emerging cloud-specific threats to help take you from the hypothetical to the actual with exploitation and evidence.

Leveraging the expertise of both our Cloud Security and Threat & Attack Simulation teams, we have created a tailored cloud penetration testing service that:

  • Conducts an evaluation of your cloud security needs
  • Exploits vulnerabilities to assess your resiliency to attack, security monitoring coverage and detection capabilities
  • Assesses and validates remediation to ensure your security posture is aligned with industry best practices

Collaborative Purple Team Assessments

Using our “defender first” mindset, we work alongside your internal teams to understand your unique threats. We help inform a prioritized list of objectives, develop a penetration test plan to iteratively assess each, and execute each test in joint collaboration.

Our extensive penetration testing experience is incorporated with your teams’ intimate knowledge of your environment to maximize the assessment’s value. This purple team service is designed to test and ultimately enhance your defensive technologies and capabilities.

Red Team Assessments

A red team assessment is the ultimate test of your organization’s security program maturity. This type of assessment incorporates sophisticated tactics that are typically not possible in a conventional penetration test, giving you the closest possible simulation of a real-world attacker.

You should expect the results of this assessment to be eye-opening at every level of the organization, and to provide you with the necessary information to improve nearly every aspect of your security program. This red team service is designed specifically to test your defensive processes and procedures.

Penetration Testing vs Vulnerability Scanning

Penetration testing is a way to simulate an instance in which a threat actor attempts to compromise an enterprise system for the sake of identifying system vulnerabilities. Pentesting companies and their analysts (sometimes referred to as ethical hackers) attempt to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s system in order to determine whether those vulnerabilities can be potentially exploited in real-world scenarios. These companies may provide internal penetration testing (pen tests conducted within a business’s internal network) as well as external penetration testing (remotely conducted pen tests) to expose vulnerabilities. Vulnerability scanning, on the other hand, refers to assessments that scan for vulnerabilities. They instantiate a passive approach to vulnerability management since they can’t remediate the vulnerabilities they identify — they can only report on the security weaknesses that they detect.

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Put an ELITE Highly-Trained Team on Your Side

More than 70% of our workforce consists of tenured cybersecurity engineers, architects and consultants