On-Demand Webinar

The Brick House – Security Skills, Recruiting and Retention

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It seems like almost every webinar, white paper, and sales pitch mentions the global cybersecurity personnel shortage at least once.

So if we all know the problem is there, how do we solve it? How do you find people with strong pattern recognition, game theory, or data analysis skills? How do you attract those people, on board them properly, and most importantly retain them?

This month, Gary and his guests will talk about expanding the search for personnel outside the traditional lateral limits to find people who have the skill sets we need, if not the background.

About The Brick House

The Brick House is a monthly panel discussion with GuidePoint Security’s CISO, Gary Brickhouse, and his expert guests examining the hottest topics in cybersecurity.

There are no talking heads here, just honest conversations examining the problems we all face in cybersecurity. Gain insights from security practitioners who have current, real-world experience solving the most complex cybersecurity challenges.

Who was in The House this month?

  • Meghan Hermann, Vice President of Human Resources
  • Bryan Orme, Principal, Information Assurance
  • Kevin Woods, Security Engineer